Radboud Centrum Sociale Wetenschappen

Postacademisch Onderwijs voor een Veerkrachtige Samenleving

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RITHA module Social and emotional development of gifted students

Would you like to learn more about the social and emotional development of gifted and talented students?

This module focuses on the social and emotional development of gifted and talented students. It provides an overview of the characteristics and needs of gifted subpopulations, diversity issues, and family/parenting concerns, along with an introduction to current educational approaches and counselling interventions.

The online module of 6 weeks is part of RITHA Practitioner. You will follow the module together with students of the RITHA Practitioner programme. The module will be lectured bij dr. Enyi Jen. Enyi Jen is lecturer for the international RITHA groups and developed the course Social and emotional development of gifted students.

What will you get out of the module?

As a result of undertaking this course you are able to:

  • Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate current research literature on the social and affective characteristics and needs of high-ability students
  • Discuss characteristics and needs of subpopulations of high-ability learners and the implications for academic instruction, ethical leadership development, and/or counselling interventions identify major theories of social-emotional, identity, and career development for gifted students
  • Assist high-ability students in effectively adapting to various settings, including home, school, and community
  • Practice designing lessons that incorporate meaningful and engaging social and affective components that promote social-emotional well-being, including coping skills, proactive adaptive behaviors, performance skills, and social skills

The module is for

Are you ECHA Specialist, RITHA Practitioner, RITHA Specialist or did you follow only block 1 of RITHA? Then this course might be the perfect fit for you.


ECHA and RITHA alumni will receive a discount of 10 percent. 


The studyload contains 56 hours, including 26 hours of self-study, 10 hours of assignments, 12 hours of online learning and 8 hours of final product.


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