Radboud Centrum Sociale Wetenschappen

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AMID Young Professional

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AMID Blogs

Setting Objectives for Social Change: Using Gender and Intersectionality to Improve International Development Policies in Practice

2022/12/05 - Winfred Mugwimi & Jordan Hart
The article draws attention to the need for a multi-dimensional lens to unpack ideas and approaches on gender and social change to question whether gender is still a useful category in development thinking. The article proposed intersectionality as a way to connect theoretical and conceptual insights to actual policies and practices. In this sense, the article draws on the usefulness of gender and how it can be reapplied through an intersectional lens to address wider issues such as colonization, climate justice, socio-political structures, privileges, and inequalities.

How do we properly P, M&E and do we even want to L?

2022/12/01 - Nalini Mahesh
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning (PMEL) How to create good PMEL systems? As junior PMEL expert this question intrigues me. Looking at trends in PMEL we seem to have moved from the sole quantitative models to more theory- based and mixes-method approaches (Barnett & Gregorowski, 2013). However, complexity remains an issue and if we truly want to be able to understand the impact of our interventions we might start by challenging the way we frame our ‘successes’ and ‘outcomes’.

Negotiating: insights into often untransparent processes

2022/11/28 - Floris Wouters
On June 10 2022 Clingendael Institute provided the us, AMID trainees with a training on negotiation, specifically on negotiating between states. To be precise, a negotiation is a method to resolve a conflict of interest which requires an interaction between two or more parties. We addressed this in theory and practice. In the morning the Clingendael lecturers taught us about the essential concepts for strategizing in negotiation, such as BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) and ZOPA (Zone Of Possible Agreement). They also explained to us the processes of negotiation. We also did the Thomas-Kilmann self-assessment, which gave insight into our own Conflict Handling Modes. It is worth analysing the different styles in which we approach such situations of conflict, because we all have our own "comfort zones" that influence own choices and behaviour. It is very useful for us to know what our comfort zones are, as they have a large impact on the choices we make in a negotiation, even if we are not aware of them. Below are the results of my assessment. I do not fully agree with them, as the practical afternoon also showed, but I scored high on collaborating and low on competing, so I guess the Development sector fits me.

The essentials of formulating assumptions

2022/11/25 - Frédérique Been & Lisanne Jong
What are assumptions? An assumption is an idea of belief that has been accepted as ´true´. Assumptions shed light on how the envisioned change process in your Theory of Change works. They explain how your proposed interventions will bring about desirable change and why change will occur in a certain way. So assumptions connect the different steps and preconditions of the pathways in your ToC to one another and ultimately to your intended goal. When, for instance, you are planning to surf a wave, what makes you think that A (certain surf conditions) will lead to B (selecting that specific type of surfboard), ultimately resulting in C (flawlessly surfing that wave)? Assumptions can both be explicit and implicit. Explicit assumptions are ideas or beliefs that you have consciously identified, whereas implicit assumptions are ideas and beliefs unconsciously influencing your thinking and behavior. Generally, three types of assumptions exist: Assumptions about the necessity of each step and precondition to achieve the intended goal Assumptions from social science theory that provide evidence-based knowledge with respect to linking program interventions to specific outcomes in specific contexts External assumptions about the environment in which the program or project will be implemented

Unintended Effects in International Development

2022/10/27 - Maaike van Woerden & Maren Backbier
“An unintended consequence refers to a particular effect of purposive action, which is different from what was wanted at the moment of carrying out the act and the want of which was the reason of carrying it out” (Baert, 1991) Unintended consequences can cause harm to those people development programs are designed to support. Negative unintended consequences can undermine the positive results of a project, policy or program. Studying unintended consequences can help development professionals better understand how positive change can be achieved.

Multistakeholder Partnerships and Facilitation

2022/10/17 - Redempter Mutinda- Edukans Kenya & Dixon Andiwa – ADS Kenya
“Bringing together diverse stakeholders with different interests, who are able to converge their ideas and perspectives towards a common vision for sustainable development, does not just happen by itself, it needs proper facilitation.”

A Multi-Stakeholder Partnership assignment reflection

2022/10/03 - Andrew Thegeya & Marthe Hiev

Corporation for change

2022/09/05 - Marrit Bolwerk & Rosalie Dekker
Is the corporate sector a crucial player in the field of international development? That is the question we (Marrit and Rosalie) asked ourselves before the AMID corporate sector lecture of 25 March 2022.

Colonialism in Development Cooperation

2022/08/22 - Nenda Lemmers & Britt Evers
