Radboud Centrum Sociale Wetenschappen

Postacademisch Onderwijs voor een Veerkrachtige Samenleving

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Nikola Žganec - alumnus RITHA Practitioner

The RITHA Practitioners programme is a very nice and educational experience.
Nikola Žganec - High School Principal

"I can say that for me, the RITHA Practitioners programme was a very nice and educational experience where I could meet people who are interested in the same topics and are involved in work with gifted learners. It is a great platform not just for learning, but also for sharing good examples and experiences from our everyday work and life settings.

My knowledge of the concept of "giftedness" has greatly improved and the discussions that we participated in were very interesting. All this motivated me to think about different approaches toward gifted learners, and also to consider all others who participate in the educational process of the gifted, eg. teachers, counselors, parents.

Constant learning and sharing ideas is very important in the field of education. The mentors in the Programme supported us through every step of the way and encouraged us to share and discuss various concepts. There is no wrong answer. I would recommend the RITHA programme to all who are willing to learn and expand their knowledge, discover new strategies and models applicable to the school setting and gifted learning." #WeAreRadboud

RITHA Practitioner Croatia

Do you want to increase your scientific knowledge in the field of identifying, guiding and counselling of gifted individuals in primary education, secondary education and in counselling? Do you want to learn how to translate this knowledge into everyday practice? Then join our programme and expand your knowledge, skills and become part of an international network! More information about RITHA Practitioner Croatia